parallel 2015 » Agenda »
// Keynote: The Landscape of Parallelism - Parallel Programming Models of Today and Tomorrow
Why is the world rushing to add Parallelism to base languages when consortiums and companies have been trying to fill that space for years? How is the landscape of Parallelism changing in the various standards, and specifications? I will give an overview as well as a deep dive into what C, C++ is doing to add parallelism, but also how consortiums like OpenMP is pushing forward into the world's first High-level Language support for GPGPU/Accelerators and SIMD programming. Finally, I will give a summary of how Transactional Memory will finally be supported through standardization.
// Referent
// Michael Wong
is the CEO of OpenMP. He is the IBM and Canadian representative to the C++ Standard and OpenMP Committee. He is also a Director of and a VP, Vice-Chair of Programming Languages for Canada's Standard Council. He has so many titles, it's a wonder he can get anything done.